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#71- The 4 Part Connection Formula To Beat Your Loved One's Addiction

In this episode, Chris and Danny discuss a few case studies that highlight some simple things families can do that they wouldn’t necessarily think to do on their own.

Connection makes the difference. They discuss the 4 part connection formula families can use to get their addicted loved ones the help they need.

Chris and Danny also highlight the importance of recognizing when an emergency situation arises and acting quickly in order to ensure the safety of those involved.

Episode Highlights

  • Intervention strategies for an addicted loved one
  • Prioritizing the safety of children
  • Dealing with an emergency situation involving children
  • Emergency situations and treatment plans
  • The benefits of family intervention for substance abuse recovery
  • Dealing with emotional outbursts
  • Intervention planning and its success rate
  • The benefits of having an intervention for someone suffering from substance abuse
  • Having a family intervention and discussion on treatment facilities and recovery
  • Recognizing addiction and taking action for help
  • Conversation between two brothers: A story of hope and redemption
  • How a simple phone call saved a life
  • Taking the next step towards recovery
  • Exploring the challenges of addiction
  • Substance use disorder intervention outcome
  • Addiction coaching framework
  • Maintaining singular focus during an intervention
  • Shifting dynamics in the family
  • Leveraging behavioral change for effective coaching
  • Seizing "leverageable moments" for recovery
  • Leveraging receptive moments to encourage change
  • Making the connections for addiction recovery
  • Benefits of family coaching for addiction treatment
  • Why you should start the intervention and coaching for addicted loved ones

Links and Resources from this Episode







"It was like a shining moment for recovery because all three members of that family that are in recovery were like, they just wanted to learn, listen, and are very open-minded."

"If your loved one is in a fire or if you come home from a party and it's one o'clock in the morning and you see that your loved one's house is on fire, you are going to call 911 for help.You're going to call for help. You're gonna do it immediately. You're not gonna wait for it to get worse. You're not going to wait under the assumption that he knows his house is on fire. As soon as you recognize that this is an addiction, you don't have to wait for it to be a five alarm blaze."

"We’re responsible for the effort, not the outcome. And that effort, those efforts made, if you can do this, now you have a skillset that we have."


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