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#78- How To Beat Your Own Resistance To Helping An Addicted Loved One

Chris and Danny discuss personal experiences, parenthood, combating addiction, and interventions. They use the story of Chris’ recent trip to a gun range to relate to the process of addressing addiction, emphasizing the need for expert guidance and building new frames of reference.

They discourage a lone wolf approach to dealing with addiction and urge listeners to seek professional help instead, based on personal experiences and observations with different families struggling with addiction. They narrate the importance of a robust support network and sharing experiences and problems with others.

Episode Highlights

  • Christopher shares about his first trip to a gun range
  • He draws parallels between the gun shooting lesson and interventions, emphasizing on the importance of expert guidance and trusting the process
  • They compare a family's skepticism at the beginning of an intervention process to their disbelief when it works out
  • The importance of having a clear outcome in mind while dealing with a loved one suffering from addiction
  • The importance of pointing someone struggling with a specific issue to someone who has experienced and conquered a similar issue
  • The necessity to seek help from someone who understands the specifics of addiction and recovery rather than someone who merely sympathizes
  • How families often remain silent because they do not know how to help their loved ones struggling with addiction
  • The biggest challenge for addicts: Achieving day one of sobriety

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