#79- How To Help Your Loved One Who's New To A 12 Step Program
Chris and Danny discuss the action steps you can expect to see your loved one taking when starting out in a 12-step program and what you can do to be helpful in their recovery journey.
Episode Highlights
- The importance of helping families understand the journey of the individual who is recovering
- How, as a loved one in recovery, attending 90 meetings in 90 days (a meeting everyday) can be essential along with the family supporting the individual
- Getting a sponsor and listening to suggestions
- The essential advice for loved ones returning home after treatment
- The sense of commitment and responsibility that being part of a home group can promote
- Importance of feeling good about oneself as a motivation to keep away from destructive, addictive behavior
- Using the 12-step recovery journey as a way to model recovery and provide support
- Behavioral changes that can take place through this process, helping the individual to become more truthful, reliable, and focused on helping others
- The concept of being 'restored to sanity' in every meeting attended and the subsequent shift in perspective that occurs
- How surrendering to the powerlessness over addiction is a crucial part of the journey
- How loved ones can support the recovery journey by creating conditions that allow sobriety to occur, despite the inability to control the outcome
- Some family membersā€™ misconceptions about rehab after a relapse
- How an individualā€™s reflection on their powerlessness can be a turning point
Links and Resources from this Episode